Learning to be assertive begins with self-esteem. Within the foundation of assertiveness is a fundamental assumption that you like yourself. Building your self-esteem is essential for confidence and success. It is something that you can take control of. Some of the most important judgements that you make in life are the ones that you make about yourself.
Learning to be more assertive goes hand in hand with building your self-esteem. This training course provides practical advise on how to get what you want without being pushy or aggressive. This is the true measure of assertiveness. During this one-day assertiveness training workshop you will discover some simple techniques that will dramatically change how you feel about yourself. You will learn how to recognize the importance of self-acceptance and how to nurture your sense of self. You will learn how to express yourself with confidence, ask for what you want and need and to identify the steps to build your self-esteem.
Learn how to create positive self-expectations
Begin setting goals to more of what you want from life
Develop self-talk messages that help build self-esteem and hence assertiveness
Identify communication tools to help you be more assertive
Learn how to say no and when no is the best answer
Recognize key assertive behaviour and techniques
Learn how to make a positive first impression
Discover ways to connect with people
Building your self-esteem
The importance of liking yourself
Putting others at ease
Make positive first impressions
How to ask for what you want
Internal self-esteem factors
Projecting self-confidence
Negative vs positive thinking
Distorted thinking
How to wipe out worry
Communication skills
Giving and receiving compliments
Government employees, managers, supervisors, team leaders, engineers, personal assistants.

Our seminars are available in person at one of our training locations, in small group sessions at your place of work or online where indicated.